bug-a-salt 3.0
Our most powerful model yet!
With over 50,000+ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews!
Simply add regular granulated table salt to the hopper (holds up to 80 shots)

Cock the pump-action handle and get ready to annihilate some flies!

Line up a target and send that flying intruder to the next dimension. Nice.

50k+ Great Reviews

full two year warranty

Ships from eu
NO! Using other substances will cause problems with your Bug-A-Salt. Warranty is voided if other substances are used.
No, only if misused: Do not shoot anyone in face or eyes. Treat it with respect like any equipment. It will not penetrate skin or damage furniture.
Ordinary table salt from your local super market.
No, the bug will remain whole for easy clean up.
A pinch of salt.
If the trouble shooting doesn’t help, you’re in luck! Lorenzo stands by our product and we take our 2-year warranty policy against factory defects seriously.
If you are past 2-years. On a case by case basis, we do our best to take care of any issues our customers are having.
Please do not disassemble your BUG-A-SALT or do something stupid like put sand in it, as this will void our warranty policy.
Contact us:
Email us at support@bugasalt.eu, and someone will get back to you ASAP.
See our Warranty Claim Form
If you are unhappy with your purchase, please let us know the details by filling out this Warranty Claim Form. If possible, we’ll gladly offer you a refund.